Academic Processional & Recessional

Arranged by: Ed Huckeby, Robert W. Smith

  • Grade: 3
  • Time: 7:26
  • Series: Concert Band
  • Brand: C.L. Barnhouse Co.
  • Year: 2009

“Pomp and Circumstance” and “Sine Nomine” have become the standard processional and recessional melodies for academic ceremonies and functions worldwide. Robert W. Smith and Ed Huckeby have combined their talents and give us a fresh and creative new perspective on these academic standards. The scoring is exceptional, yet achieved with a limited instrumentation. With the band seniors involved in the ceremonies and not performing with the band, the voicing of these arrangements will be appreciated by all!

Listen to Sine Nomine.

Product SKU Price Quantity
Full set 012-3874-00 $72.00
Extra full score 012-3874-01 $10.00
MP3 Download 012-3874-85 $1.00
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