The Witch and the Saint
The Washington Winds, Edward S. Petersen, conductor
Masterworks from the pens of many of the best known composers for wind band today performed by the superlative Washington Winds. The performances are spectacular and the music superb. A must for your CD library.
Fanfare For Freedom, Lloyd
High and Mighty March, Jewell – arr. Glover
Of Honor and Valor Eternal, Shabazz
On Angel Wings, Huckeby
Flight of the Bumble Bee, Rimsky-Korsavok – arr. Glover
Allegro from Concerto for Trumpet, Mozart – arr.A.Clark
Witch and the Saint, Reineke
Annandale Chronicles, Huckeby
Contrapunctus IX, Bach – arr. Clark
Dragons Fly On The Winds of Time, Neeck
Hungarian Dance #6, Brahms – arr. R. Longfield
All Those Endearing Young Charms, Mantia-arr.A.Glover
23 Skidoo!, Whitcomb