Concerto for Prince Johann

J. S. Bach Arranged by: Larry Daehn

  • Grade: 3.5
  • Time: 2:20
  • Series: Daehn Publications
  • Brand: Daehn Publications
  • Year: 2009

This piece is full of youthful exuberance! Based on the last movement of a concerto written about 1713.
This is a big exciting organ work for band. Two groups playng sixteenth notes; groups playing eighth notes, adding excitement; and the quarter-note octave melodies, speaking the powerful bass-pipes voice. A wonderful experience for performers and audiences alike!

Product SKU Price Quantity
Full set LDP-7065-00 $76.00
Extra full score LDP-7065-01 $7.00
Oversized, spiral-bound score LDP-7065-75 $30.00
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