God of Our Fathers

Chorale - Prelude

Claude T. Smith

  • Grade: 4
  • Time: 7:30
  • Series: The Music of Claude T. Smith
  • Brand: Claude T. Smith Publications, Inc.
  • Year: 1974

This has become a staple of band literature. Claude Smith is well known for taking hymn tunes and creating wonderful pieces of music. Trumpet and trombone trios are featured in the opening statement, followed by free-flowing Rubato flute solo. A piccolo and bassoon duet follow in the next section. Variations of the theme appear in the fugato section, followed by the full chorale. The audience may sing the hymn tune during the full chorale. The triumphant ending features the horn section which leads to an emotional finale. “God of Our Fathers” is also available for full orchestra, and an edition for SATB Choir with piano/organ, which may be used in a massed band/orchestra/choir setting as well. An audience favorite and one of Smith’s most popular works.

Product SKU Price Quantity
Full set CTS-7711-00 $91.00
Extra full score CTS-7711-01 $9.00
Full set - ePrint CTS-7711-00e $91.00
Extra full score - ePrint CTS-7711-01e $9.00
Extra condensed score CTS-7711-02 $9.00
SATB Score CTS-7711-99 $6.00
Oversized, spiral-bound score CTS-7711-75 $25.00
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