Nueva Vida
Inspired by the groundbreaking musical stylings of “Mambo King” Tito Puente, “Nueva Vida” (New Life) by Steve Shanley is the perfect Latin jazz chart to spice up your next concert! All sections of the band are featured, the improvised solos can be played with only a few pitches, and there are extra auxiliary parts for your percussionists. The manageable tempo and clearly-notated rhythm section parts make this a great chart for introducing your students to the mambo style. Great fun, and a great teaching piece as well!
This title is not yet in print. Please check back later this summer to purchase sets and scores.
Until then, please enjoy this recording by Studio A Big Band, directed by Edward S. Petersen.
Product | SKU | Price | Quantity | ||
MP3 Download | 032-5102-85 | $1.00 |