Bari-ed Alive!!

Erik Sherburne

  • Grade: 2.5
  • Time: 2:37
  • Series: Jazz Ensemble
  • Brand: C.L. Barnhouse Co.
  • Year: 2016

It’s time to let your Bari Sax player wail in this catchy rock tune. The changes are a variation on the blues form with a little bit of mixing modes to give it just the right feel to suit the title. Your brass can bop and groove in the background with their subtle hits that set up the melody. This chart is sure to make for an entertaining performance that will be enjoyed by everyone!! Great fun!

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Full set 032-4473-00 $48.00
Extra full score 032-4473-01 $8.00
MP3 Download 032-4473-85 $1.00
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