I’ll Just Pretend

Les Aldrich

  • Grade: 2
  • Time: 2:59
  • Series: Jazz Ensemble
  • Brand: C.L. Barnhouse Co.
  • Year: 1992

A terrific little ballad that will feature your budding Alto Sax star! The solo is completely written out and lays well for the alto. The backgrounds are very effective and can be played by even young and inexperienced bands. This is an extremely nice arrangement and sounds very sophisticated for this grade level. Wonderful material that will help a young soloist gain maturity and confidence. Gr. 2

Product SKU Price Quantity
Full set 031-2474-00 $50.00
Extra full score 031-2474-01 $8.00
MP3 Download 031-2474-85 $1.00
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