Ceremony and Celebration

Larry Neeck

  • Grade: 3
  • Time: 5:21
  • Series: Concert Band
  • Brand: C.L. Barnhouse Co.
  • Year: 2022

Opening with a majestic fanfare, “Ceremony and Celebration” develops into a joyous tour-de-force which will showcase the artistry and musicality of your ensemble. Tuneful brass melodies, soaring woodwind lines, and pulsating percussion propel this unforgettable musical adventure for your band. Great fun for every section, the reasonable technical demands make this a choice selection for contest or concert. Superb!

Product SKU Price Quantity
Full set 012-4936-00 $84.00
Extra full score 012-4936-01 $11.00
Oversized, spiral-bound score 012-4936-75 $25.00
MP3 Download 012-4936-85 $1.00
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