My Jesus, Oh What Anguish

(Mein Jesu! Was Fur Seelenweh)

J. S. Bach Arranged by: Alfred Reed

  • Grade: 3
  • Time: 3:45
  • Series: Bach Series arranged by Alfred Reed
  • Brand: C.L. Barnhouse Co.
  • Year: 1975

Alfred Reed’s excellent transcription is taken from a group of 69 “Sacred Airs and Songs” each of which exists only in the form of a single line with figured bass. It is considered to be one of the most haunting and poignant expressions of sorrow and compassion to be found in all of Western music.

Product SKU Price Quantity
Full set 012-1937-00 $68.00
Extra full score 012-1937-01 $7.00
Extra full score - ePrint 012-1937-01e $7.00
Extra condensed score 012-1937-02 $4.00
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