Barnstormers March

Len Orcino

  • Grade: 2
  • Time: 1:50
  • Series: Command
  • Brand: C.L. Barnhouse Co.
  • Year: 2008

The golden age of daredevil pilots comes to life in Len Orcino’s delightful “Barnstormers March.” This rousing march begins with a ratchet as the cranking of the propeller. The engine sputters to life and off the listener goes on his free ride into the air, as the music emulates the biplane and all its loops, dives, tricks and stunts. This open-air cockpit ride creates its thrills with musical devices. Parallel chromatic and diminished seventh chords will add new sounds to your bands vocabulary. You’ll label this one a real “toe-tapper”. It’s sure to become a pops concert standard.

Product SKU Price Quantity
Full set 011-3721-00 $55.00
Extra full score 011-3721-01 $6.00
Extra full score - ePrint 011-3721-01e $6.00
MP3 Download 011-3721-85 $1.00
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